2015 Audi Q5 Guzzling Oil


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We just picked up a 2015 Audi Q5 2.0T, and we're kinda freaking out over the crazy oil consumption. The thing's barely been driven hard; and it's already burned through 5 quarts in no time! We've checked for leaks and any error codes, but nada. Anyone else had this issue with this model?
The 2009-2012 2.0T engines had a pretty annoying oil consumption issue, usually caused by blowby around the piston rings. But they sorted that out in the 2012-2013 models. Your problem seems kinda similar, but it doesn’t look like it’s the same thing that happened with those earlier models.
Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking, but it's so frustrating bcoz everything else seems perfectly fine! No leaks, no smoke, and the engine sounds normal. It's like the oil just disappears into thin air. Have you come across any fixes for something like this; or do I just have to brace myself for the eventual engine replacement?
Your Q5 is definitely burning too much oil. This could be caused by worn valve seals or piston rings. Both are expensive fixes. Has a mechanic looked at it?
Definitely a good idea to get a full diagnostic to catch any internal engine wear that might be messing things up.