Any plans for the New Year?


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What's new in the New Year guys?

I don't really have much to report. It feels like a continuation of 2024. It's cold, so I bought some more winter clothes, but aside from that I have nothing going on.

What's new with you all?
Happy New Year! You’re right January feels like December Part 2 haha! I’m using this month to catch up on car maintenance, plan a quick snow trip, and try to stay warm. I wanna drag my Q5 to places this year. Got any big projects for your Q5 this year, or just coasting for now?
Happy New Year! You’re right January feels like December Part 2 haha! I’m using this month to catch up on car maintenance, plan a quick snow trip, and try to stay warm. I wanna drag my Q5 to places this year. Got any big projects for your Q5 this year, or just coasting for now?
Just coasting. Exciting things tend to find me despite my not looking for them, so until something comes up I'm just talking life easy.