Q5 steering column squeak


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I recently bought a 2015 Audi Q5 and while I love driving it there’s one really annoying issue a rubber-on-metal squeaking noise when turning the wheel at low speeds.

1. Sounds like vinyl rubbing, almost like something is making friction inside the steering column.
2. Seems to be low beneath the brake pedal or maybe in the intermediate shaft area.
3. Not power steering or belts, just some kind of annoying squeak.

Has anyone actually found the source of the noise and successfully lubricated it with silicone spray or another compound? I’d rather fix this myself than take it to the dealer for something that seems minor (but is driving me nuts).
Looks like you're on the right track with the rubber-on-metal theory coz it's usually some bushing or seal rubbing somewhere in the column or shaft. Silicone spray is a good first step, but you'll need to pinpoint the exact location. Try getting under the dash with a flashlight and have someone turn the wheel while you listen closely. Sometimes it's the lower bearing, sometimes it's where the shaft goes through the firewall, and sometimes it's even the clock spring inside the wheel. If you can isolate the spot, a careful shot of silicone spray might do the trick. Just be careful not to overdo it and avoid spraying anything electrical. If it persists, it might be a worn-out component that needs replacing, but hopefully, some lube will solve it for you.